If we’ve said it once, we’ve probably said it a million times – we love trusses. After all, we design, build, and install them. But often we’re required to hide our work as these trusses get buried in the attic. So, today we’re going to give you three reasons why you should rather install exposed trusses when building your dream home.
Natural light
With load-shedding becoming a reality again locally, and the blessing of living under an African sky, why would you limit the amount of natural light in your home? If your home is north facing, it would indeed be a shame not to take advantage of the excess light.
And, if you were looking for new excuses for more natural light, research has proven that natural light helps people to be more productive, happier, and healthier.
Hot air rises
We’re a hundred percent sure that if you’re a South African, you’ve lived through an unbearably hot day! Exposed trusses allow for that warmth to rise into the rafters, which means a cooler room at ground level.
There is also the added benefit of cutting down on air-con and fan use – which as mentioned before, is excellent news with Eskom undergoing issues with the electricity supply.
Creative space
More space means more opportunity to play around! Whether you’re thinking of installing amazing light fittings, hanging an indoor garden, or creating an incredible additional kitchen space, exposed trusses mean you can stretch your interior decorating muscles!
Also, with easy access to the roof, you can install a skylight and make repairs reasonably easily.
But at the end of the day, you need to contract truss experts to ensure that the final product is made professional and beautifully. Feel free to give us a call: +27118645174