While we’re confident that you need no help with your trusses, it might be time to review your options for roofing. There are many choices to choose from, but what do you need to know when selecting one? Well since we’ve been there and done that, here’s our list of things you need to know about roofing.
Chromadek®/ IBR Galvanised Sheet Roofing
Available in multiple materials, sizes, and colours, sheet roofing has become a trendy choice for modern homes. Both IBR galvanised and Chromadek®sheeting can withstand years of punishment, as well as being lightweight (good for trusses). Contrary to popular belief, the sheet option is more expensive than choosing concrete tile covered roof.
Sheets might seem easy and quick to install but be warned. While it may be tempting to hire unskilled labour for installation, you want to call in the professionals for this one. If incorrectly installed it can result in leaks, the roof blowing off, and rust – even though galvanisation will stop erosion, if the protective layer is removed and not waterproofed the metal will disintegrate. Also, sound reverberates from the surface so those heavy Joburg downpours will deafen you inside the house.
Concrete Tile Roofing
Driving through the suburbs, you’re bound to see the majority of freestanding homes have tiled roofs. This is because as a material it sits in the middle ground between affordability and aesthetics. As you’d expect, it is a labour intensive process requiring a crew of roof-tilers, and in pitches lower than 26˚ requires an under-tile membrane.
While this process might take longer to install than corrugated sheeting, the tiles don’t amplify sounds, and they insulate temperatures better. Two bonuses over the more expensive sheeted option.
Harvey Tiles
Harvey tiles are Chromadek®sheets that are pressed into the shape of concrete roof tiles. This gives it the aesthetic of a tiled roof when installed. While it doesn’t possess the same strength and rigidity of the real tiles it is lighter. Bear in mind that Harvey tiles also falls short in the structural integrity department when compared to the solid IBR galvanised and corrugated sheets roofs.
If you’re looking for a lighter weight solution that just seems prettier – then Harvey tiles are your solution. But in our personal opinion, this is a VERY EXPENSIVE product – and actually hasn’t been a popular choice amongst our customers.
We believe there needs to be a balance between quality and looks, but at the moment, there’s no significant benefit to justify its cost.
Slate Roofs
Slate roofs are also very expensive – per unit and installation wise. Firstly, you need to consider their weight which requires a large volume of additional timber brandering in the trusses. So before you’re even buying the roofing, you’re expected to lay down a large lump-sum of capital for the trusses. Secondly, the actual coverage footprint of the slate tiles is smaller when compared to the standard larger concrete tile – so you’ll be required to purchase more units.
Another thing to remember is you’ll be required to do ongoing maintenance to the roof. Slate is a natural product and is known in the industry to have a much higher breakage percentage compared to concrete tiles. But if its the look you want, it’s what you want!